How I plan my social media calendar for the whole year

Liz Hall Design - How I plan my social media calendar for the whole year - Liz Hall Design

I like to plan and be organised, ironically it allows me to be more creative because I’m not worried about the day to day stuff. 

One of the biggest time consumers for me, and probably most of you, is social media. Scheduling can take time but coming up with ideas, keeping content interesting, engaging, urgh! Some days I just want to hide and not do anything!

But, over the last few years I’ve created myself a system (totally by accident) of planning my social media content.

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10 ways to personalise your social media for small businesses

social media marketing - Liz Hall Design - logo design, graphic design, Bradford

Social media is just that, it’s about being social and getting to know your customers and your followers. The odd selling post is fine (your ultimate goal is to sell more, after all!) but no-one likes being blatantly sold to.

The bulk of your social media posts should be about connecting and I’ve personally found that my more personal posts get far more engagement and reach than any other. Now that’s not to say you should start spilling all your personal life all over your business page. Definitely not!

But people do buy from people and love to know more about the person they’re buying from. Big businesses and companies spend millions trying to get that personal touch across but for you it’s easy. I’ve put together 10 ideas for posts where your customers can get to know more about you and your business but without revealing every detail about your personal life.

Continue reading “10 ways to personalise your social media for small businesses”
