10 ways to personalise your social media for small businesses

Social media is just that, it’s about being social and getting to know your customers and your followers. The odd selling post is fine (your ultimate goal is to sell more, after all!) but no-one likes being blatantly sold to.

The bulk of your social media posts should be about connecting and I’ve personally found that my more personal posts get far more engagement and reach than any other. Now that’s not to say you should start spilling all your personal life all over your business page. Definitely not!

But people do buy from people and love to know more about the person they’re buying from. Big businesses and companies spend millions trying to get that personal touch across but for you it’s easy. I’ve put together 10 ideas for posts where your customers can get to know more about you and your business but without revealing every detail about your personal life.

How I relax

You might enjoy running, gardening, reading, parachuting – share a picture of something you’ve seen while doing your favourite activity. A scenic view, a favourite flower, your current book or magazine.

My favourites

Your favourite mug for your tea, book, tv show, stationery, chair, snack to get you through the day, app to help your business – ask your followers whether they agree or not, or what their favourite is. Asking questions is a great way to interact with your followers and you might learn a little something about them too.

My workspace

Every one likes to see how everyone else works, whether it’s your desk in the corner of your living room or a purpose made summer house in the garden. You might be running a workshop, attending an event or your job might take you to a different location each time. You might not sit at a desk for your job – you might have a studio, walk dogs, arrange flowers, bake cakes. Share it with your followers.

Tools of my trade

The tools of your trade are unique to you. Ask 5 different photographers and they will all favour a different camera, different software, different techniques.

Why I do this

Why on earth do you do your job? Why did you leave full time employment and a regular wage to set up your own business with it’s rollercoaster of uncertainty? It’s one of the questions I always ask at networking events because there’s usually an interesting story behind it.

I’ve met women who were high flyers in the city and now they’re living locally on a massively reduced wage but looking so calm and happy – why and how did they do it? It’s fascinating to know and hear the story. Give your followers a little insight into your dreams.

I can’t live without

There are so many things that I rely on to get me through the day – sometimes music, some times snacks, some times it’s an app or programme that just makes everything easier, faster or better. And this is unique to me. Ask another designer and they’ll tell you some thing different because they are different to me – a different way of working, different circumstances, different character.

My inspiration

A celebrity, a business leader, your mum, a book, a neighbour – we all have someone or something that gave us that little spark and made us think ‘I can do it’

My inspiration is logo designer David Airey – after reading his book Logo Love Logo, it totally changed my attitude and approach towards logo design. I’d always offered logos as a package but never had confidence in my abilities to create a good design despite happy customers and great feedback.

That change in attitude now means my business is doing much better and logo design is a big chunk of my business. And an even bigger plus is that I have lots of women business owners with great branding that helps them grow their business.

Tell your customers who or what inspired you!

Behind the scenes

We all love a sneak peek behind the scenes, don’t we? Workspace, work in progress, how we create something, a new idea we’re working on, your new notebook! It gives your customers and followers a real insight into you and how you work, you become a real person to them. And people buy from people.

What I wear

Some businesses demand special clothing, a uniform or a particular accessory. An apron for a florist, a comfy pair of boots for a dog walker, a style of trousers for yoga, a suit for an accountant or not.

I work from home so I can suit myself – shorts and vest today as I’m writing in 30 degree heat, or my comfy uggs and oversized wool/cashmere cardigan when it’s cold. But when I go out networking I have my own ‘uniform’ and always take my Liz Hall Design yellow bag.

My four legged friend

Who doesn’t love a picture of a pooch or a cat? They are some of the most viewed on the internet. If you have a four legged helper, make full use of them! Keep some extra pictures for those times when you don’t have much time or you’re really stuck for ideas.

And it doesn’t have to just be your furry friends.

Every few weeks I post a personal snap of my little boy, Baby D – hands or feet doing some thing, or the back of his head. It gets great reach and lovely comments from my customers and followers who can see me as a mum, a wife, not just a business owner selling my wares.

And finally

You might find some of your customers love the same sort of things you do and really connect with you. It works both ways and can give a great insight into your customers when you analyse the reach and comments and shares.

Do let me know how you get on.

Liz x

Liz Hall Design - logo designer, graphics designer, Bradford

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